03 August 2006

War Always Produces Tragedy

War ALWAYS produces more suffering than benefits. >:(
And im speechless looking these pictures..

And much more in here...

And from this blog...

900 dead (equivalent to 71 000 American citizens)
3000 injured (most of them badly injured or have been permanently disfigured)
1,000,000 displaced with most of their homes demolished and now living in schools and in parks.

300 of the 900 dead are CHILDREN below the age of 12
(this is equivalent to 23666 American children)

There is no hope that this will end soon.
This is what PM Fouad Al Sanyoura declared this morning.

Btw, ada yang bisa jelasin, kegunaan perang? Sapa tau gw jadi setuju sama perang..
Apa fungsi perang, selaen unjuk kuasa dan teknologi?
Mo perang di Libanon kek, di Irak kek, di Mars kek..
Menurut gw, ini cuma ajang 'kepentingan' ajaaa...
*emosi gw..*