Miss Universe 2006 : Miss Puerto Rico
Akhirnya, pemenang Miss Universe tahun ini adalah dari Puerto Rico, Zuleyka Rivera, yang baru berusia 18 tahun.
Daftar 5 teratas calon pemenang gelar Miss Universe adalah :
Winner: Zuleyka Rivera (Puerto Rico)Padahal gw sendiri suka wakil dari Korea. Tuh cewek keliatan pinter. Di bawah ini adalah daftar finalis Miss Universe yang lolos di tiap-tiap tahapan kualifikasi. Gw ambil dari globalbeauties.com.
1st runner up: Kurara Chibana (Japan)
2nd runner up: Lauriane Gillieron (Switzerland)
3rd runner up: Lourdes Arevalos (Paraguay)
4th runner up: Tara Conner (USA).
Special Awards (9:24 pm ET)Miss Photogenic: Philippines, Lian Ramos
Miss Congeniality: Ghana, Angela Asare
Best National Costume: Japan, Kurara ChibanaThe Top 10 Finalists are (8:54 pm ET)
Canada, Alice Panikian
Trinidad & Tobago, Kenisha Thom
Bolivia, Desiree Duran
Mexico, Priscila Perales
Colombia, Valerie DominguezThe Top 20 Semifinalists are:
Denmark, Betina Faurbiye
Ethiopia, Dina Fekadu
Russia, Anna Litvinova
Brazil, Rafaella Zanella
Sweden, Josephine Alhanko
Thailand, Charm Osathanond
Hungary, Adrienn Bende
India, Neha Kapur
Argentina, Magali Romitelli
Ukraine, Inna Tsymbalyuk
Dan Nadine pun gagal, bahkan untuk masuk ke 20 besar pun.. Padahal dulu sempet ribut-ribut tentang kemungkinan Nadine masuk 20 besar calon Miss Universe adalah tinggi. Yah, dalam sejarah per-miss universe-an kita, kayaknya cuma Artika Sari Devi yang masuk 15 besar..
Btw, Zuleyka Rivera sempet pingsan abis nerima mahkota Miss Universe. Bukan karena shock terharu. Tapi karena keberatan baju.. hehehe..
Interview Nadine Chandrawinata di Miss Universe 2006
Ini adalah interview contekan dari detikhot. Buat video live-nya, liat aja profile nadine di web miss universe.

What do you like to do in your spare time?Mmm..
"I like to do in my spare time is going out with my friends, my family, and sharing with the children. Like
doing some activities eh..eh.. in social work like campaign for them and campaign for a discrimination of
women something like that".
What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
I see my self in ten years a..eh I see myself in ten years later simply as a Nadine and doing something like
be more mature an explore myself and my potential and doing something for me and everyone. Like i want to
work for the UNICEF so i can be more active and give more attention for them".
Who is your idol?
My admire is Mother Theresa because she is so humble for me, and she has a beautiful or wonderful
personality so i really adore at her...hehehehe".
Your friends say you are?
My friends tells that i am friendly easy going person, simply person, ordinary person and patient".
What do you want the rest of the world to know about your country?
Indonesia is a beautiful city, you should go there to visit by yourself because we have alot of beautiful
beaches, and the spectacular mountain, and dramatic of history, and so the people. Because people of
Indonesia is really welcome and really friendly because they like to know more about other countries other
beliefs other ideas. So come to Indonesia and feel it and we open our arms to come to Indonesia".
No comment.. :D
Udah banyak yang comment soalnya.. :))
Hehehe.. Yah, Nadine juga manusia.. Bisa grogi juga..
Walo dicerca banyak orang, tetep aja show must go on..
Tapi jujur, gw gak gitu berminat jadiin Nadine cewek gw. Not my type. Mending Nirina deh..
*emang gw lesbong?!!!*
Silahkan liat poto-poto si Nadine di webnya miss universe. Ikuti aja link-link di bawah.
Link :
- Profile Nadine Chandrawinata di Miss Universe 2006
- Miss Universe 2006 : Puerto Rico
- Miss Universe 2006 : Nadine Gagal
- Wikipedia : Miss Universe
- Miss Universe official website
- Mbak Nadine, i lap u
- www.globalbeauties.com